Tarot & Divination Sessions for the Self-Curious.
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I offer one-on-one divination sessions (remotely, in person, or through voice memo) on a sliding scale.

In addition to tarot cartomancy, I also work with the I Ching and bibliomancy by request.

You can also book me to give bite-sized tarot readings to guests at your event.


The word divination derives from the Proto-Indo-European root *dyeu – meaning to shine. 

Divination is a lamp (a magic lamp?): it shines on that which is hidden. A divination session will help answer a question about your life and Self.

Divination comes in many forms; we call this -mancy. I practice the following subtypes of divination:
  • Cartomancy (tarot and oracle cards)
  • Bibliomancy (books)
  • Cleromancy (casting lots, as in the I Ching)

You may ask questions like:
  • Where in my life am I giving away my power and agency?
  • What sorts of changes should I make to live as a more authentic version of myself?
  • What factors should I consider for (important life decision point)?
  • What hidden influences prevent me from actualizing my desires?

You’ll notice that I personally do not use divination as a predictive tool; my approach to -mancy reveals only that which is already present. This of course influences possible futures.

If you’d like predictive divination (fortune telling), I can recommend some excellent practitioners for you!


The tarot is a system of metaphor. It is a way of reading your own story, of making meaning and reflecting on the Self.

The characters in each tarot card are metaphors for situations and influences in your life. Externalizing these forces can help restore your sense of agency and give you courage.

A good reading with an experienced oracle will feel expansive, non-judgmental, and will help your head align with the wisdom of your body.

Interested in a session with me?
Fill out this inquiry form to get in touch ☺︎

DISCLAIMER: Although tarot and divination can be very therapeutic, I am not a licensed therapist, and a divination session is never a replacement for seeing one.  It can, however, be very useful as a complementary practice.

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